Browsing Tag:

comfort food

{How-to} Make Homemade Ricotta Cheese

Homemade Ricotta Cheese | Plum Pie

Just call me Master Cheesemaker. On second thought, don’t. But I would like to inform you that I have officially made homemade ricotta. Twice. Yep, you read that right. I am officially crossing “make your own cheese” off the bucket list. And guess what? You can, too! After several years of carting my plastic wrapped, brand new cheesecloth from apartment to apartment, I finally busted it open and took it…

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Linguine with Avocado and Arugula Pesto

avocado arugula pesto linguine

Well, it’s a miracle that I haven’t had a heat stroke yet. It is still at least 105°F outside every. single. day. I mean it’s only been two months of torture. But I promise I won’t groan about the weather today.  Besides,  I am hopping on a plane to Knoxville, Tennessee, where it is a balmy 89°F. I bet the grass is green there, the bushes full, and the flowers…

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Peach and Blueberry Crostata

Peach Blueberry Crostata | Plum Pie

I’ve been feeling somewhat uninspired lately. Uninspired in the kitchen, uninspired to write, and even more uninspired to get up at 7 a.m. to exercise outside before it hits 100 degrees. I’m not sure if it is the endless heat wave in Dallas or my body telling me to slow down, but it sure feels like a “funk” and quite frankly, I am over it. This summer has been brutally…

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Greek Lamb & Feta Burgers + Easy Tzatziki

Greek Lamb + Feta Burgers and Easy Tzatziki | Plum Pie

Greetings from Texas! I know, it has been ages. I am sure many of you are wondering if I just forgot about Plum Pie completely in a heat-induced memory coma. Fear not, I could never forget! But I am just now beginning to feel like a normal person again after the move. The good news is that Andrew the H, Henry the dog, and I are finally moved in and semi-settled…

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Flank Steak Salad with Blue Cheese

Flank Steak Salad | Plum Pie

Happy Memorial Day! Andrew the H, Henry, and I packed our bags and headed to the Bluff City this weekend to check out Ol’ Man River and see my little sister graduate from medical school. It’s been a long four years, but the day has finally arrived. She can now officially add those two capital letters to the end of her name—M.D. Congratulations Jess! And the Mississippi has gone down…

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Spicy Baked Eggplant Spaghetti

Spicy Eggplant Spaghetti Bake | Plum Pie

Well, I hope you didn’t think I forgot about you! I sincerely apologize for my lengthy hiatus. I had had big plans to write a post before heading off to Italy last Monday, but for some reason, I just couldn’t get it together. Shocking, I know. Between packing, eating, sleeping, and touring all historical landmarks within a 30-mile radius of Charlottesville, I had little time to think. My apologies. So,…

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Fresh Squeezed Lemonade with Mint

homemade mint lemonade

Have you ever tried to make fresh squeezed lemonade? Because it is the bomb and so, so easy. Seriously, you will thank me later. In fact, it may change your entire summer. Promise. Have I convinced you to try it, yet? I had actually never made my own fresh squeezed lemonade until the summer of 1995 when I reached the apparent maximum on my lemonade spending allowance. Didn’t know there…

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Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

finished strawberry rhubarb jam

So, I don’t know about you, but I am pret-ty excited about this royal wedding. After watching every single special on television this week (and taping a few others), I feel incredibly knowledgeable about the big day. While most of you out there are completely over all of the hub-bub, I simply can’t wait. I get it. Who are these people? The idea of a monarchy is sooooo 1540. How…

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